Low Income Tickets

TG Discounted Tickets Scheme

We will be offering 50 tickets for peak entry (10.15-2.30am) for all upcoming London events!

These are designed to allow people on lower income to be able to come to a TG party. If you are able to afford a full price ticket, we ask that you purchase one of these to allow those who need the discounted entry to be able to come to make use of our new scheme -those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to come to the party.

Discounted tickets are intended for:


People on benefits

Those on minimum or national living wage

Those unable to afford a full price ticket

To access these tickets please email yasmin@torturegarden.com. We don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable by making them go to lengths to prove they are “entitled” to a discount ticket, and want to be able to operate this on a trust basis. However, we do ask that you include in your email the reason that you are eligible for this ticket ( i.e, you are currently a student, unemployed etc. – No need to provide in depth personal info, a simple bullet point about this will be fine).

Please make the subject of your email : Discounted ticket – then the date of the party you would like to come to. We aim to get back to you within 2 working days.

If we are able to offer you the requested ticket we will reply with a link to purchase directly from Dice. Discount ticket availablity is limited to 50 per event, if these are all sold we will operate a waiting list for any returned tickets

If you have already purchased a full price ticket we cannot refund this in exchange for a discounted entry ticket

We do reserve the right to not offer tickets to applicants if we have reason to believe they do not fulfil the criteria or are trying to take advantage of a scheme they are not in need of.

Unless specified on event info, we aren’t able to offer this for any events that are collaborations with other promoters or which we are have artists appearing at as guests but aren’t organising ourselves, sorry!